bungo stray dogs
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Bungo Stray Dogs 5 - Kafka Asagiri, Sango Harukawa (ilustrátor)A battle-heavy action series powered by the works of literary giants unfolds on the stage of Yokohama's backstreets in Kafka Asagiri's Bungo Stray Dogs! |
12,00 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs: Another Story, Vol. 2Natsuhiko Kyougoku is alive, the murderous mastermind having somehow escaped Yukito Ayatsuji’s skill. That shocking news causes the detective and his minder Tsujimura to look deeper into the case. But as they do, the pair find themselves wrapped in a deadly conspiracy that threatens to rock the Spec... |
11,90 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs 17 - Kafka Asagiri, Sango Harukawa (ilustrátor)With most of the Armed Detective Agency captured, Atsushi and Kyouka stage a jailbreak to secure the assistance of the man with the power to erase evidence: Mushitarou Oguri. Equipped with his knowledge of the Decay of the Angel (and the assistance of a mysterious benefactor), the pair sets their si... |
13,30 € |
BUNGO STRAY DOGS V23As Gogol's deadly game continues, Dostoyevsky summons an ally to aid him in his escape-Chuuya, now a vampire! Dazai will have to say his farewells to his onetime partner if he wants to come through this life and death struggle in one peace. And meanwhile, Tetchou and Kenji clash at the airport...?! |
11,70 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs 07Sie tragen feine Anzüge. Brutale Fälle sind ihr Spezialgebiet. Und irgendwie haben sie alle eine Schraube locker: Das Büro der wehrhaften Detektive greift ein, wenn die Polizei nicht weiter weiß. Zum Beispiel wenn ein weißer Tiger durch die Straßen streift, der größer ist als ein Kleinlaster...Band ... |
6,80 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs, Vol. 11 - Asagiri, KafkaFirst published in Japan in 2016 by Kadokawa Corporation, Tokyo--Colophon. |
12,59 € |
Yen Press Bungo Stray Dogs 5O komikse (Manga) v slovenčine: Kým Kyouka bojuje s démonmi svojej minulosti, visí nad mestom hrozba trojstrannej vojny medzi Armed Detective Agency, Guildou a Port Mafiou. Každá strana si upevňuje obranu, kto však získa iniciatívu a zasadí prvý zdrvujúci úder? Po útoku kolegov z Guildy by šance Ag... |
14,39 € |
16,41 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs: Wan!, Vol. 5: Volume 5 (Kanai Neco)The members of the Armed Detective Agency find theyve switched bodies, the ladies of Yokohama stay up late chatting online about love, and the Twin Dark duos--both new and old--transform into magical girls (?) to fight monsters?! Every day brings a new |
12,40 € |
Bungó Stray Dogs Toulaví literáti 3Kjóka Izumi tak dlouho bojovala v područí mafie, až si sáhla na život… Acušimu se ji ovšem povedlo zachránit a zve ji na tofu, aby z ní dostal cenné informace. Akutagawa následně rozjíždí podlý plán, a náš měňavec tak konečně padá do jejich rukou. Zajatý Dazai se mezitím setkává se svým bývalým parť... |
9,19 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs, Vol. 16Atsushi is working with his previous foe, F. Scott Fitzgerald, in order to use the "Eyes of God" surveillance system to find clues. In the forest, Yosano is approached by the Port Mafia with a request to join them.What is the past that Yosano has tried to keep hidden? |
12,40 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs, Vol. 5 Harukawa SangoO knihe (light novela) v slovenčine: Neobjasnený výskyt samovrážd používateľov schopností po celom svete poslalArmed Detective Agency na pátranie po Tatsuhikovi Shibusawaovi, mystickom užívateľovi schopností, ktorý s tým môže mať niečo do činenia. Každý incident sa vyskytuje pod prikrývkou hustej h... |
16,31 € |
Bungó Stray Dogs - Toulaví literáti 1Acušiho Nakadžimu vyhnali ze sirotčince a nohy ho nakonec zavedly do Jokohamy, kde z řeky vytáhne muže, který se neúspěšně pokusil o sebevraždu. Z neznámého se vyklube Osamu Dazai – člen Zvláštní detektivní kanceláře zaměstnávající lidi se schopnostmi. Ta se specializuje na násilné a nebezpečné příp... |
15,35 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs, Vol. 9 (Asagiri Kafka)As Moby-Dick gets ever closer to crashing into Yokohama, Atsushi finds himself in a three-way battle with Akutagawa and Fitzgerald What can Atsushi and Akutagawa do to stop the white whale...? |
12,44 € |
Bungó Stray Dogs 02 Toulaví literáti - Kafka AsagiriAutor : Kafka Asagiri, Popis : Po hrozivém souboji proti Akutagawovi se Nakadžima probouzí zpátky v kanceláři a rozhodne se potají odejít, aby dál neohrožoval svoje kolegy. Mafie ovšem přesto za detektivy posílá jeden ze svých úderných oddílů jménem Černé ještěrky, který vede Rjúró Hirocu. Na scén... |
8,78 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs: Beast, Vol. 1A PATH THAT COULD HAVE BEEN…In the world of Bungo Stray Dogs, Ryuunosuke Akutagawa is infamous for being one of the Port Mafia’s most dangerous members. But what if his past had turned out differently...? When Dazai decides to pass on taking in an orphaned Akutagawa, the boy winds up being recruite... |
11,70 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple, Vol. 1BASED ON THE HIT ANIME FILM!An unexplained series of suicides among skill users sends the Armed Detective Agency on a search for a man who may be connected. But when the same phenomenon descends upon Yokohama, they’ll have to fight for their lives if they want a chance to reach the truth and save th... |
11,70 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs, Vol. 24Together with their partners, Dazai and Dostoyevsky engage in a deadly battle of minds as they blitz through the security of Meursault. Sigma seeks to steal the secrets of Dostoyevsky's skill, but such a prize will not come without its price. Meanwhile, Atsushi agonizes over what he's learned, only ... |
14,61 € |
10,90 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs, Vol. 18 (Asagiri Kafka)The entirety of the majestic Sky Casino is turned against the Hunting Dogs when they uncover a terror plot that will shake the very foundations of the world. Their only hope is to capture the casinos general manager, Sigma, the man without a past! Meanwhile, Atsushi and Kyouka fight from the shadows... |
12,44 € |
Nájdených 666 výsledkov |